16 May 2011

who we are

teenage girls are nippy
they slither around on Facebook, Twitter and Formspring expecting the whole world to care about them.they frequently ask questions such as "Am I pretty.... I think I'm ugly" and people respond with answers such as "No way, you're so pretty!". Attached is a photograph of them in the mirror with a stupid duckface expression, a strange camera angle and crappy Photo editing so you cannot see that they have any facial features.how can a photo be nice if you cant see your fucking face?! they are extremely materialistic and superficial, concerned about makeup and clothes.would slowly wither away and die if anyone took away their blackberrys or iPhones, iPods full of Lady Gaga, Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber.They appear to be illiterate in the English language adding unnecessary smiley faces. :) :) :) and a laughing face :L:L at the end of everything they say when everyone knows they actually have the facial expression of a brick. The only literature they have been exposed to is Twilight. They don't care about their grades in school because obviously being popular is THE  single most important thing in their lives. When it comes to boys, they consider appearance to be more attractive than personality; they would rather date the hot-headed fit guy who acts like a dick to them and cheats on them instead of the mature guy with manners that rarely speaks because he believes that he isn't worth their time and has grown to be shy and insecure. Bad boys are apparently better than nice guys.many girls will be reading this thinking...yup..yeah...yes. 
unfortunately almost all teenage girls are like this. including me. don't see us changing any time soon. sorry lads.

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