6 May 2011

the truth part 2

i know i have already posted about this but I'm always getting knew thoughts on the subject of lies and the truth. its at this age that people tell lies the most. i know white lies are told on a daily basis by everyone. but there are some people who feel the need to tell lies not to cover up anything, but because they feel ignored and want attention. i have come across many people in my life who have made up stupid stuff for attention. majority of them girls, i have heard the works; multiple pregnancy's(and then abortions), allegations of rape, bipolar, moving house,small things like piercings, the most recent was breast cancer.  there is a very large gap between telling a white lie to your parents about where you actually were on your study leave (mum and dad if you ever see this, this is just an example...i have never lied about where i was...pah) and making up that you have a life threatening disease for attention. i never know how to feel about these people, should I feel sorry for them because they are so bored of their own lives they want to spice them up a bit. Should I be angry at them for being so malicious (took a leaf out of the pixie mac dictionary) and vile that they think it is okay to make up bullshit like that. there are people in life who are actually suffering from illnesses and are facing real problems in life, but these people pretend to be in the same situation, for what..fun? people like that? they should be more than happy, that these problems are not happening to them and that they are alive healthy and able to carry on in their everyday lives without the hassle the people who really have these problems have to suffer. fair enough what happens now at the age we are means fuck all later in life. if you were popular in your year in senior school, great for you. its not going to get you a job! but when we come back for our 30th school reunion. you will still be known as that girl that no one trusted because she lied about everything and lost all her mates. would you rather be known as that..or be known not by as many people, but by your friends as a really nice, pretty girl. cause fare enough if you make up shit, people will talk about you, but you are giving up all your friends for that. if that's the kind of person you are happy to be, i feel so so sorry for you.

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