18 May 2011

the pressure to be perfect.

74% of teen girls and young women feel the pressure to be “perfect.”
Girls today are fixating on their flaws, causing them to belittle themselves and even take dangerous action. They are shown messages and images everywhere constantly in magazines and on tv which sets an unrealistic standard of beauty. The average person sees between 400 and 600 advertisements per day, so thats like more than one message for every waking minute. for teen girls more than half of these are showing them size 0-2 models with perfect skin and perfect hair, making them think they should look like that. magazines are filled with stories of girl celebs being too fat or too thin giving teen girls the wrong impression. this standard of beauty that is not even obtainable because no one seems to see the blatantly obvious that the photos in magazines are Photoshop'd so that its not even the same person any more. i was kind of looking for inspiration on what to write about and it came up on my twitter that Demi Lovato posted a photo of her in her bikini having struggled with bipolar but she worked hard and is happy with the way she looks, and her saying 'love is louder than the pressure to be perfect' really stuck with me. but yeah, any boys reading this wont really understand much of what im talking about. but i can guarantee almost all teen girls feel they are pressured to look a certain way. but seriously, if someone wont accept you for who you are, they aren't worth your time. don't change yourself to look how someone else wants you to look. the people you love will love you for being the person you are, not trying to be someone else. my only advice is live your life to the fullest and dont waste your time trying to live up to others expectations. 

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