3 May 2011

life is too short

life is too short, i think people forget that a lot of the time. if we were reminded that more, i think it would influence so much of what we do. putting petty little fights and pointless drama into perspective makes you see that what is happening is a complete and utter waste of time, time that we have very little of. i reckon i have easily spent the majority of me teen years having fights and loosing friends,and being part of so much drama being blown up to look like its the end of the world when really it means nothing. a few days ago i was told i apparently am applying for university...this September. it was the single most frightening thing i have heard in a long time. like. shit. and looking at unis, seeing the courses, committing to the decision that no matter what im moving out at the end of s5. all pretty big stuff. all this made me think for a second and take a step back to look at my life, and see all the time i am wasting with everything going on, there are so much more important things in life that who bitched about who, who lied about what and bringing up things from the past. so yeah, all im saying basically is 'life is too short' just think about it, we arent here for long, so why not just make the most of it and make sure all the moments you remember from school is doing stupid things when pissed or having fun with your friends without having a care in the world about jobs, income or taxes. not to have bad memories about pointless drama, lies,bitching and loosing friends.

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