12 Sept 2011


being a teenager is vastly overrated. we all make mistakes, we are all stubborn and we couldn't give two shits what our parents think, we hate school, we cause shit, we fight, we love ,we cry ,we give up believing in a higher power. we're all fucked up and that's the truth. we all come from dysfunctional families, because no family is perfect ; we say things we don't mean, we yell, we scream,we get broken hearts, we get drunk, we have sex. grades don't mean a thing anymore,we live on quotes and music that describe our lives and most importantly we are tired. we are tired of waking up each morning and having to go to school where we see the people we hate or the people we love, we get tired of waiting for the text message that's not going to come and we get tired of pretending we're fine.

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