12 Sept 2011


makeup can make you look pretty on the outside. but it dosen't help if you are ugly on the inside. unless you eat your make up.


if i was happy all the time, i would never fully appreciate life. because sometimes we need to miss things in order to realize how valuable it is, or want things in order to realize how important it is. if i was happy all the time, i would not truly be happy.


being a teenager is vastly overrated. we all make mistakes, we are all stubborn and we couldn't give two shits what our parents think, we hate school, we cause shit, we fight, we love ,we cry ,we give up believing in a higher power. we're all fucked up and that's the truth. we all come from dysfunctional families, because no family is perfect ; we say things we don't mean, we yell, we scream,we get broken hearts, we get drunk, we have sex. grades don't mean a thing anymore,we live on quotes and music that describe our lives and most importantly we are tired. we are tired of waking up each morning and having to go to school where we see the people we hate or the people we love, we get tired of waiting for the text message that's not going to come and we get tired of pretending we're fine.

3 Sept 2011


the saddest part of life is perhaps the fact that all good things must, and eventually will, come to an end. of course there is the chance that  maybe the good things will end and just get better.but believe me, that too will end. and yes i do suppose there could be worse things that could happen to you in your time on this earth than good things ending. but it is probably the thing that leaves the deepest scar. your life could be lovely filled with good morning kisses and sunshine through your window and the stars in the sky at night, but what if one day that person that gave you good morning kisses, left? oh, imagine how horribly ugly that scar would be on your heart.all good things must come to an end but bad things can continue on forever. but i think good things come to an end, so we can realize how good they were and make way for another great thing.