2 Aug 2011


its 2011 for fuck sake and there are still people being homophobic. fair enough lifes not perfect. there is always going to be people who have a problems..natzi's ect. but the fact that there are teenagers who are homophobic? i dont understand. pretty sure these days everyone is brought up to accept things like this? guessing i was wrong.
to be honest half the time we are all homophobic 'for fuck sake thats so gay stop doing that' never really thought about it in that way before though.
if anything, i admire anyone who can have the courage to come out (especially at the point in your life when your a teenager and life is tough enough) and carry the abuse that comes along with it. insane. ill never really understand why some people are so homophobic. being scared ect are the usual thoughts. but at the end of the day some of the people who come out at my age deserve some kind of medal for not caring what other people think and taking all the abuse just so they can be happy and not hide who they are.
just saw in the news last month, in america a 15 year old guy has gone to court for shooting dead another classmate in school because he was gay. is that a joke. when people start throwing around abuse about how anyone who isnt straight should slit their wrists and die, they dont think about that actually happening, they think its just words. if that actually happened..would it be worth it? would it be worth it just to try and get rid of someone different to you. if anything homophobes are the ones who are scared. scared because they could never, ever have enough courage to come out and say that they are gay, cause i recon most of them secretly are.

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